Reach Your Full Potential With CYT

Join a Team of Dedicated Individuals

From thought-provoking dramas to lively productions, our Young Adult Company tackles a diverse range of theatrical works, creating a great environment to develop your skills. With a commitment to excellence and a deep love for the performing arts, our members strive to deliver compelling performances that leave a lasting impact on audiences. Join Concord Youth Theatre’s Young Adult Company, and reach your potential as a theatrical performer. We are always seeking new talent and looking to grow our community.

Additional Information

This program is open to young people in grades 9 through college-age. CYT’s Young Adult Company performs plays that allow students to stretch in different roles, use teamwork to accomplish big goals, and set incremental goals for themselves as individual performers.

Scheduling Information TBA

Tuition Cost: $500, Tuition Includes a Show T-Shirt

Tech rehearsals will be held for three additional days the week before opening night. Auditions ARE required.

Phone Number

Our Location

53 Church St, Concord, MA 01742