Taking Things to the Next Level

Be a Part of Something Special

This program is open to young people in grades 5-12. CYT’s Mainstage Company performs plays that are literature based and age appropriate for all. This is the follow-up to the Junior Company, building upon many of the skills developed there. Performers of a wide range of ages come together to create a truly special show, and learn to work alongside each other for a common goal. Take your performances to the next level with the Mainstage Company.

Additional Information

This program is open to young people in grades 5 – 12. 4th graders may also audition IF they have performed in two Junior Company shows within the last year. Note our policy regarding Junior and Mainstage Companies: to allow for performance opportunities for more students, students may not enroll in both Junior Company and Mainstage at the same time. And, once students participate in Mainstage, they cannot move back to Junior Company. This policy is due to the immense popularity of both companies.

Scheduling: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 3:45PM – 6:00PM

Tuition Cost: $500, Tuition Includes a Show T-Shirt

Tech rehearsals will be held for additional days the week before opening night. Auditions ARE required.

Phone Number

Email Address

Our Location

53 Church St, Concord, MA 01742